“Accept Your Truth!! There are riches buried in your junk!”

Did you know that there are riches buried in what you consider your pile of “junk”?  One of the main reasons we as humans are unable to be effective disciples for the Kingdom is because we are struggling with accepting the truth…our truth! We are brought out of our trials and tribulations by the grace and mercy of God for his glory, yet we are still mentally trapped in our mistakes and mishaps. So entangled in our sins that we are unable to be effective disciples.


The World teaches us to shun and be shameful of what we’ve been through. Granted we shouldn’t gloat on our faults, we in turn should not be ashamed of our journey. I guarantee you there is someone out in this World that is struggling with the same addiction, same guilt and the same sin as the one that you’ve so graciously been delivered from, and they’re in need of your help!


Here are a few steps to consider when making the decision to Accept Your Truth… and remember, tomorrow isn’t promised, don’t miss an opportunity to tell your story for his glory!

  1. Accept your truth. Accept whatever the sin was within yourself. Forgive yourself, as God has already forgiven you.
  2. Understand that in order to have a testimony you must have a test. Learn from your mistakes and make notes on how you are and will do better moving forward.
  3. Allow yourself time to heal. Seek out help if need be and take time away to allow your wounds to heal.
  4. Share your story. Allow yourself to be transparent, but remember, you can only do this AFTER you have allowed yourself to heal.
  5. Walk in your authority!! Don’t carry your story on your back as a burden, but tell your story with the hopes of it changing lives. Remember, the main objective is for us all to experience Kingdom living here on Earth. Help others to come to a place of self-forgiveness and through that they will receive their blessing.

I hope this blog helps someone today to accept their truth and live on purpose!! -BiancaLynnette

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About L.Y.F.E.chat "Love Yourself First Everyday!"

BiancaLynnette is a God fearing wife, mother of 5, Motivational Lyfe Coach & writer pushing and inspiring others to believe in themselves. L.Y.F.E. stands for Love Yourself First Everyday; this site was created to remind all of the beautiful people in the world of how important it Is to love YOU! As a busy mom of 5 I know how easy it is to get lost in the shuffle of life and how vital it is to encourage yourself! So I welcome you to join my everyday journey of LYFE! Where Loving yourself first is not just a statement, it's a LYFESTYLE!
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2 Responses to “Accept Your Truth!! There are riches buried in your junk!”

  1. Nicey says:

    On the day that you posted this, I discovered that the man that I was in love with had a fiancé. I was hurt and devastated. I didn’t know what to do. Slowly I picked up the pieces and tried to move on but am still having trouble. I long to see him talk yet I know it is not good for me

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