Serve your Purpose (Short thoughts)

We are all here to serve a purpose, to help someone grow from the trials & tribulations we’ve been brought out of. I think we are in a time where there’s a strong misunderstanding about that. When you come out of something, you are supposed to use that to inspire and help to save more lives. When you don’t follow that lead, you miss out on your blessing & you cause someone else to miss out on their breakthrough! There is someone somewhere who’s life depends on you serving your purpose; stop being casual about your assignment…stop holding up someone else’s destiny…LIVE On PURPOSE!

About "Love Yourself First Everyday!"

BiancaLynnette is a God fearing wife, mother of 5, Motivational Lyfe Coach & writer pushing and inspiring others to believe in themselves. L.Y.F.E. stands for Love Yourself First Everyday; this site was created to remind all of the beautiful people in the world of how important it Is to love YOU! As a busy mom of 5 I know how easy it is to get lost in the shuffle of life and how vital it is to encourage yourself! So I welcome you to join my everyday journey of LYFE! Where Loving yourself first is not just a statement, it's a LYFESTYLE!
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